his report outlines six key components for a preschool program that will also support a strong, equitable birth to age 5 system, including:

  1. Design a system for preschool to be delivered in multiple settings, including family child care.
  2. Support Head Start to continue to expand to serve more preschoolers and their families across the country.
  3. Invest in infants and toddlers; excluding them from increased funding would undermine the overall early childhood system.
  4. Ensure equitable access and quality, including by directing state and local governments to plan to serve targeted geographic areas and groups of students.
  5. Prioritize providing equitable compensation to early childhood educators, regardless of settings.
  6. Ensure that all programs provide a platform that values family voice and shares power with families.

By approaching preschool as a critical part of the broader system of early care and education, the administration can expand opportunities for young children across the country.


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